Anxiety Treatment

Fluid, Soft, and Yielding

Fluid, Soft, and Yielding

Let’s begin with an exercise. Think about the worries and fears that drive your anxiety. When you have a sense of them, complete each of these statements with the first noun that comes to mind.

My worries and fears are like…

My responses to my worries and fears are like…

Looking back at the quote above, ask yourself: Did you select words that are fluid, soft, and gentle?  If you struggle with anxiety, probably not.

Connect the D.O.T.S.

Connect the D.O.T.S.

When dealing with all the thoughts and feelings that go with anxiety, it is not unusual to try and avoid them. In fact, from the perspective of the thinking part of your mind, this makes sense. After all, who wants to have these disturbing thoughts and feelings? So we come up with all kinds of strategies to avoid them. In his book, ACT Made Simple, Dr. Russ Harris gives you a way to identify the different ways you try to avoid your anxiety.

More Ways to Get in Touch with the Observing Self

More Ways to Get in Touch with the Observing Self

Thoughts and feelings can come and go; they can be all over the place. But this observing self allows you to feel the difference between this thought or feeling, these actions, and YOU. From the place of the observing self, you have enough flexibility to choose how you want to be in any situation, in the presence of any thought or feeling, no matter how distressing it might be.

You Are More Than Your Anxiety

You Are More Than Your Anxiety

It is easy to become so fused with thoughts like “I am shy” or “I am unloved.” You don’t even notice it happens. And yet, every time you say, “I am…,” you become what comes after the “I am.” So if you say “I am anxious” or “I am worried,” it is like you are saying something about your essential self, instead of something that is happening to you. But the truth is thoughts and feelings are a part of you. But they are not YOU.