Anxiety and worry can also be triggered by the known as well. Some studies suggests that this kind of anxiety happens a lot in the fall. There are lots of things that you know will happen as autumn approaches.
Four Factors That Fuel The Anxiety Myths: Evaluating Your Experiences
5 Stages of Accepting Difficult Emotions
Letting Go Of The Myths About Anxiety
Feelings, Thoughts, Actions: How Depression Develops
You can say two things about the emotional upheaval that happens with loss, rejection, or disappointment. First, these emotions are normal. Second, these emotions are not only normal, but they are also important. These feelings tell you that you are experiencing distress in some area of your life that really matters.
5 Steps to Overcoming the Core Negative Image of Your Partner
4 Myths About Anxiety and Fear
Recently, in a series of blogs, I described some of the common anxiety disorders: panic disorder, specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Each of these disorders has specific criteria that have to be met in order to make a diagnosis.