Over the last several entries, we have been learning about some of the specific anxiety disorders that can disrupt your life. We began by considering that there is a place for normal fear and anxiety in your life.
Specific Phobias and Social Anxiety Disorder
Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder
The Place of Normal Fear and Anxiety In Your Life
Controlling Anger Doesn’t Work
If you struggle with the presence of anger in your life, you know the hurt and pain it can bring to you and to others. When you look at that hurt and pain, the most sensible response seems to be to exert some control over your anger. When you start to feel the anger rising, your mind tells you that this anger is dangerous.
It’s Just Who I Am
Being Still
Beyond Coping With The World We Live In
It is interesting to compare the original meaning of a word with how it is used today. Sometimes, looking at the original meaning can open up your understanding of a word. The word for today is “cope.” Cope comes from an Old French word that means “to quarrel, to hit or punch, to deliver blows, to engage in combat.”